Tried and tested
Our process design encapsulates everything needed to calibrate and capacitise in-plant logistics precisely. Using sophisticated simulation tools and testing, we establish a complete understanding of demand and synchronize flow to match. We can design every aspect of a complex marketplace, creating complete facility layout from goods-in to shipping, and deliver 1.5 million parts per day with product cycle times of just 30 seconds.
To serious speed you can add no-compromise accuracy on any scale. Large on-line kitting processes can involve up to 110,000 parts per day or 5.2 million a year.
It’s our 99.98% accuracy rate that counts, however. Such exceptional error proofing is measured in terms of time. We keep lost time to within 1 second per day, through our complete understanding and control over every detail. Behind this peerless consistency and flexibility is simulation. We use our simulation software to ensure every route, process and possibility is a known quantity and can adapt to meet future needs.
Total reliability begins at the earliest stages. We use pre-production trials to test every element of our process, both in isolation and within our clients’ assembly runs. With experience gained through numerous major product launches, we have the capability to deliver best in class performance, every time.
“Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.”